All Plants Shrubs

Tibouchina ‘Jules’ – Lasiandra/Glory Bush

Tibouchina 'Jules'

Well loved for its vivid purple flowers and compact shape, Jules is a must in sheltered, warm gardens.

Botanical name

Tibouchina ‘Jules’

Common name

Lasiandra, Glory Bush, Tibouchina, Jules

Tibouchina ‘Jules’ description

Tibouchina ‘Jules’ is an evergreen shrub with large, vivid purple flowers, square stems and velvety, veined green leaves. Jules grows to 1m x 1m making it an ideal addition to most warm gardens.

These shrubs are a sight to be seen when in flower with the whole plant covered in blooms which appear from late Spring through Summer.


Warm temperate, sub-tropical, tropical

Plant cultivation and care

Full sun to part-shade in a sheltered position works best. Protect from winds and frost and water well during the hotter months. Soil should contain plenty of organic matter and be a neutral to slightly acid pH.

Plant use

Colourful gardens, shrubberies, borders


Tibouchina ‘Jules’ does not need much in the way of pruning. Tip prune and remove dead flower heads after flowering for a bushier growth habit.

Pests and diseases

No specific pests or diseases.