Like a lot of weeds, Asparagus Fern was introduced into Australia as an ornamental.
Author - The Curious Gardener
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence™’
A denser, faster growing Sweet Viburnum with half the pruning.
Clivia miniata – Clivia / Kaffir Lily
An evergreen perennial with thick, strappy green leaves. A must in every shady garden.
Mealybugs thrive in warm, moist positions and tend to hide in protected places on the plant.
Tibouchina ‘Jules’ – Lasiandra/Glory Bush
Well loved for its vivid purple flowers and compact shape, Jules is a must in sheltered, warm...
Gardenia augusta – Gardenia
Gardenias are one of the most popular plants you'll come across if you live in a warm climate.
Murraya paniculata – Orange Jessamine/Mock Orange
Murraya is a well-known and much loved plant by Australian gardeners.
Top 10 Purple Flowering Plants for Warm Climates
Purple flowering plants are undeniably striking and can be a favourite with gardeners. Teamed with...