All Plants Australian Natives Groundcovers Shrubs

Grevillea species

A true-blue Aussie favourite, the Grevillea just keeps on giving an abundance of beautifully bright flowers with minimal fuss.

Botanical name

Grevillea species

Common name

Grevillea, Spider Flower Grevillea, Toothbrush Grevillea

Grevillea description

A genus of Australian native plants consisting of over 250 species of trees, shrubs and groundcovers.

A much-loved and common feature in most Aussie gardens, Grevilleas are a favourite due to their abundance of unique, brightly coloured flowers, long flowering periods (sometimes all year round) and hardiness.

Grevilleas vary greatly in regards to size, habit, flower colour and leaf shape. Most attract native birds and make excellent low-maintenance additions to suburban gardens.

A trip to the nursery will uncover many cultivars, some of the most popular and well-known include ‘Robyn Gordon’, Honey Gem’, ‘Moonlight’, Poorinda Royal Mantle’, ‘Mt Tamboritha’, ‘Pink Lady’, ‘Coconut Ice’, Winpara Gem’ and ‘Bronze Rambler’ just to name a few.

See also Grevillea banksii x bipinnatifida ‘Robyn Gordon’.


Depends on species. Grevillea tolerates a wide range of climates.

Plant cultivation and care

Most Grevilleas prefer a well-drained, acid soil in a full sun position although needs will vary depending on the plant. Always follow the care instructions for your particular species in regards to position and fertiliser requirements.

Propagate from seed in Spring or semi-hardwood cuttings in Autumn.

Plant use

Native gardens, trees, shrubberies, groundcovers, pots, coastal gardens, dry gardens, bird attracting gardens, cut flowers


Prune lightly to remove tip growth and spent flower heads.

Pests and diseases

Grevilleas are relatively hardy but can be susceptible to a few pests and diseases. Some of these include Moth Borer, Scale insects, Grevillea Leaf Miner and Leaf Spot.