All Plants Perennials Perfumed Plants

Tulbaghia violacea – Society Garlic

A pretty clumping perennial that is quite at home in a cottage garden. This plant packs a punch in the fragrance department though!

Botanical name

Tulbaghia violacea

Common name

Society Garlic

Society Garlic description

Native to tropical parts of Africa, Society Garlic is an evergreen perennial with a clumping growth habit and strap-like grey-green leaves (which can also be variegated as pictured). It grows to approximately 45cm in height and spreads slowly via rhizomes.

The plant bears dainty, tubular, lilac flowers in large umbels above the foliage during the Summer months and into Autumn. The leaves and rhizomes emit a strong garlic/onion smell. When planted in groups, the scent can be quite overwhelming.



Plant cultivation and care

Society Garlic is best grown in well drained soil in full sun but will tolerate part sun. It is quite drought tolerant but does prefer regular waterings.

Propagate by lifting and dividing established clumps in late Winter and Spring.

Plant use

Borders, fragrant gardens, cottage gardens, pots, courtyards, patio gardens


Remove dead flower heads.

Pests and diseases

No specific pests and diseases.