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Hoya carnosa – Wax Plant

An old favourite with flowers that are so unique they could be mistaken as being fake.

Botanical name

Hoya carnosa

Common name

Hoya, Wax Plant

Hoya plant description

Hoya carnosa is native to China and northern Australia and is the most commonly grown of the Hoya species.

Hoya carnosa has deep green fleshy leaves with distinct clusters of pink, fragrant, star-shaped flowers in Spring and Summer. These have a somewhat waxy appearance and could be mistaken for being artificial. The plant is a climber which grows well in hanging pots in warm climates. Variegated forms are available.


Warm temperate, sub-tropical, tropical

Plant cultivation and care

Generally grown outdoors, Hoyas thrive in a warm position protected from direct sun, wind and frost. They can be grown indoors provided they have plenty of indirect sunlight.

Plants that are slightly pot-bound are more likely to flower and disturbing the roots of a Hoya is a big no-no. Keep the soil just damp during Winter.

Plant use

Pots, hanging baskets, shade gardens


DO NOT remove the flower stalk as the flowers are produced from this year after year.

Pests and diseases

No specific pests and diseases.