Botanical name
Nothoscordum sp.
Common name
Onion Weed
Onion Weed identification
Onion weed is a bulbous plant which has long, smooth, strap-like leaves that are glossy mid green in colour.
When flowering, stalks appear from the centre of the leaves producing small, white, bell-like flowers. Several flowers appear on each stalk.
Control methods
Removing Onion Weed takes time, patience and dedication.
All plant parts need to be dug up and removed for complete eradication which can be challenging due to the numerous tiny bulbs which can break away and be left in the soil. This weed spreads via these bulbs which multiply repeatedly. The seeds produced by the flowers also aid the spread.
If chemical control is an option, Glyphosate (for example RoundUp) can be applied. Note: Do not use Glyphosate on your lawn unless you want a great big dead patch. Follow the product instructions.