All Plants Australian Natives Shrubs

Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’

Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’ can often be seen in parks and public gardens due to its hardiness and low maintenance requirements.

Botanical name

Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’

Common name

Native Rosemary, Zena

Westringia description

Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’ is a lovely, rounded evergreen Australian native shrub that displays dense grey-green foliage. It grows to a height and width of 1m and produces lilac to white small flowers during Spring and Summer.


Broad range of climates

Plant cultivation and care

This plant thrives in a full sun position in well drained soil. It will tolerate light frosts, average soils and dry spells.

Propagate from tip cuttings any time of the year.

Plant use

Native gardens, borders, dry gardens, pots, shrubberies


Give Zena a good prune after flowering to promote a nice, dense growth habit.

Pests and diseases

A hardy plant with no specific pests or diseases.