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Top 10 Australian Native Groundcovers

Our beloved native plants are not only attractive to behold, they’re also tough, making them excellent choices when it comes to groundcovers.

Below are my top 10 Australian native groundcovers (in no particular order). Whilst very hardy, these plants still benefit from a bit of love and attention that will allow them to thrive. Full sun is a must. Ensure soil is well drained and provide regular water (most are drought tolerant) but avoid over-watering. Apply a fertiliser specially formulated for native plants and give them a very light prune after flowering to remove any dead flowerheads.

With basic care, these beauties will reward you ten-fold.

1. Grevillea nivea x varifolia ‘Red Coral’

Grevillea nivea x varifolia 'Red Coral'
The greyish foliage and bright red flower of Grevillea nivea x varifolia ‘Red Coral’

Grevillea ‘Red Coral’ is a striking groundcover with distinctive green-grey foliage and bright red flowers that appear in Spring. It grows to a height of 30cm and a width of 2 metres giving excellent coverage. The birds love it too which is an added bonus.

2. Scaevola sp. – Fan Flower

Scaevola sp. - Fan Flower
The masses of mauve flowers on the Fan Flower.

This pretty ground cover has an abundance of deep mauve, fan-shaped flowers that cover the plant from Spring through to Summer. There are multiple cultivars available including the popular ‘Mauve Clusters’ and the white flowering variety ‘White Carpet’. Scaevola grows to around 50cm in height and up to 1 metre in width. It makes a great hanging basket plant too.

3. Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’

Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle'
The spreading Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’

Arguably the most well known native groundcover ever produced, Grevillea “Poorinda Royal Mantle’ is a very hardy, fast growing plant that produces reddish bronze new growth. Growing to a height of around 30cm and a width of 6 metres, this plant is excellent for large areas. The deep red flowers appear in Winter through Spring and sporadically throughout the rest of the year.

4. Goodenia ovata ‘Gold Cover’

Goodenia ovata 'Gold Cover'
Yellow flowers of Goodenia ovata ‘Gold Cover’

Growing to a height of 15cm and a width of 1m, Gold Cover has attractive dark green foliage accompanied by masses of golden yellow flowers throughout the warmer months, particularly in late Spring and Summer. This plant is hardy and copes very well in that hot spot where not much else survives.

5. Hardenbergia violacea – Happy Wanderer

Hardenbergia violacea - Happy Wanderer - Native Sarsparilla
Purple flowering Hardenbergia violacea aka Happy Wanderer

A very pretty native plant, the Happy Wanderer is a great addition to large gardens as a groundcover or climber over fences and pergolas. The leaves are dark green, long and narrow with dark mauve, pea-shaped flowers that appear in Winter and Spring. It grows to around 3 metres wide creating a spectacular display of colour. Hardenbergia violacea var. Alba produces white flowers.

6. Dampiera stenophylla ‘Hazy Days’

Dampiera stenophylla 'Hazy Days'
The silver foliage of Dampiera stenophylla ‘Hazy Days’

Hazy Days is a hardy, suckering groundcover that produces an abundance of dainty violet flowers in late Winter and Spring. The silver foliage looks very attractive when teamed with green foliaged plants. Growing to a height of around 20cm and a width of 1 metre, Hazy Days is suitable for smaller gardens. It attracts the bees too.

7. Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’

Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler'
The red flowers and bronze new growth of Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’

Grevillea “Bronze Rambler’ gets its name from its rambling growth habit and bronze coloured new growth. A popular choice with gardeners, this groundcover produces dark red flowers throughout the year but more prolifically during Spring. Growing to a height of 30cm and a width of 4 metres, it is an excellent addition to larger gardens.

8. Westringia fruticosa ‘Flat and Fruity’

Westringia fruticosa 'Flat 'n' Fruity
The lovely white flowers of Westringia fruticosa ‘Flat and Fruity’

Flat ‘n’ Fruity is the prostrate version of the much loved Coastal Rosemary. This very hardy plant produces lovely grey-green foliage and small, delicate white flowers almost all year round. Growing to a height of 10cm and a width of 1 metre, Flat ‘n’ Fruity is a great addition to any garden.

9. Myoporum parvifolium – Creeping Boobialla

Myoporum parvifolium – Creeping Boobialla
A (very bad) example of Myoporum parvifolium. I’m on the look out for a much better photo opportunity. 🙂

Creeping Boobialla is a fast growing groundcover with fine dark green foliage and masses of pink star-shaped flowers in Spring and Summer. This plant forms a dense mat making it excellent for suppressing weeds. It grows to a height of 25cm and a width of around 2.5 metres.

10. Hibbertia sp. – Snake Vine / Guinea Flower

Hibbertia difusa 'Buttercup' - Guinea Flower / Snake Vine
The abundance of flowers on Hibbertia difusa ‘Buttercup’

Guinea Flower (or Snake Vine) is a popular choice when it comes to groundcovers. During Spring and Summer it is covered in bright yellow flowers making a spectacular display of colour in the garden. Also useful as a climber, there are many cultivars available in varying shapes and sizes. Hibbertia scandens grows to a width of around 5 metres while smaller varieties such as Hibbertia difusa ‘Buttercup’ reaches 1.5 metres in width.

Looking for other plant ideas to go with your Australian native groundcover? Check out our native plant profiles and head over to our Pinterest board.

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