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Nematanthus glabra – Goldfish Plant

The attractive, orange flowers that resemble goldfish are present most of the year on this lovely plant.

Botanical name

Nematanthus glabra

Common name

Goldfish Plant

Goldfish Plant description

Nematanthus glabra is a trailing perennial plant with dark green, shiny, oval leaves. The attractive, bright orange flowers which resemble small goldfish are produced all year round making it an excellent hanging basket specimen.

The plant grows to a height of approximately 30cm and is very well suited to a part-shade position outdoors (no direct, hot sun). Can be grown indoors in a bright position with indirect light.

Plant cultivation and care

Prefers indirect light, warmth, humidity and well drained soil. Plants can be propagated from cuttings.

Plant use

Hanging baskets, pots, indoors


Lightly prune at regular intervals to encourage further flowers.

Pests and diseases

No specific pests and diseases.