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Murraya paniculata – Orange Jessamine/Mock Orange

Murraya is a well-known and much loved plant by Australian gardeners.

Botanical name

Murraya paniculata

Common name

Murraya, Orange Jessamine, Mock Orange

Murraya plant description

It’s versatility, hardiness and fragrant white flowers mean it can be seen in suburbs all across Australia.

Murraya paniculata is an evergreen shrub native to South East Asia which can grow up to 3m in height. It has deep green compact foliage and lovely white, highly scented flowers which closely resemble those of the Orange (hence the common name).

Clusters of flowers appear on the branch tips in Spring with red berries occasionally appearing after that.

Plant cultivation and care

Murraya species thrive in warm, frost-free climates in full sun or part shade. Soil should be rich, moist and well-drained although Murrayas have been known to do well in fairly average soils.

Plant use

Hedges, screening plants, medium sized gardens, fragrant gardens


Pruning from an early age promotes nice thick growth. Remove old flower heads and tip growth in late Summer after flowering.

Pests and diseases

A fairly hardy plant with no specific pests or diseases.