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Gelsemium sempervirens – Carolina Jasmine

A very pretty climber is valued for its colourful display of bright yellow flowers in Winter. Careful though… this one can bite.

Botanical name

Gelsemium sempervirens

Common name

Carolina Jasmine

Carolina Jasmine description

This lovely evergreen climber or groundcover has dark green elongated leaves and an abundance of bright yellow, sweetly perfumed flowers during Winter and Spring.

Carolina Jasmine is a vigorous grower in the right conditions and should be kept in check.

Note: All parts of this plant are poisonous if digested.


Temperate, sub-tropical, tropical

Plant cultivation and care

Plant in a full sun position sheltered from strong winds. It prefers a moist, well drained soil and requires little water once established.

Propagate from semi-hardwood cuttings taken in Summer or early Autumn.

Plant use

Climber, groundcover, pots


A light prune once flowering has finished will promote a nice shape and keep the plant from getting out of hand.

Pest and diseases

No specific pests or diseases.