All Plants Australian Natives Shrubs

Callistemon viminalis ‘Macarthur’ – Bottlebrush

A staple in Australian gardens for as long as I can remember, the Bottlebrush is a hardy, bird-attracting plant that loves the harsh Australian Summer.

Botanical name

Callistemon viminalis ‘Macarthur’

Common name

Bottlebrush, Macarthur Bottlebrush

Bottlebrush plant description

Callistemons are Australian native plants consisting of very hardy trees and shrubs. There are many hybrids available of various flower colour and size.

Callistemon viminalis ‘Macarthur’ has a compact growth habit reaching 1.8m in height and 1.5m wide. It produces the very distinctive bottlebrush flowers in a deep red colour from September through to November each year. Spot flowering can also occur in Autumn making them a favourite with nectar and pollen feeding birds.

Callistemon viminalis ‘Macarthur’ has a weeping growth habit.


Temperate, sub-tropical, tropical

Plant cultivation and care

Bottlebrushes are very adaptable plants that will tolerate average conditions. Ideally though, they thrive in a full sun position in moist, well drained soil. Water well until established. Tolerates light frost.

Propagate from tip cuttings taken in Autumn.

Plant use

Street trees, native gardens, dry gardens, shrubberies


After flowering, cut back the spent flowers to encourage new growth and increased blooms during the following flowering season.

Pests and diseases

Callistemon Sawfly can cause serious damage to foliage.