All Plants Weeds

Asparagus densiflorus – Asparagus Fern

Like a lot of weeds, Asparagus Fern was introduced into Australia as an ornamental.

Botanical name

Asparagus densiflorus

Common name

Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern identification

A hanging basket favourite for many years, this thorny fellow is notorious for spreading into the garden. Not only are the sharp spines a concern, the trailing and sometimes choking ability of this plant makes it a real nuisance.

The foliage of the Asparagus Fern is a bright lime green with sharp spines situated within. It is ‘ferny’ in appearance with needle-like leaves on long, arching canes that can grow to around 2m in length.

The flowers are small, white and quite inconspicuous. The berries that follow are much more noticeable due to their bright red colour.

These weeds are usually found in gardens, bushland and in neglected areas.

Control methods

Berries must be removed before the birds eat them and then spread the seeds. Dispose of the seeds in a receptacle and place in the bin. Do not add seeds/foliage to composts or ‘green’ council bins. Pull the remainder of the plant out of the soil being mindful of those spines.